Salman Akram Raja, Senior Partner at RMA & Co., has been ranked in Band 1 in “Dispute Resolution: General Commercial” and “Dispute Resolution: Constitutional Law” by Chambers & Partners Asia Pacific 2025.

Chamber & Partners note: “Salman Raja is known for his handling of both commercial and constitutional disputes. His clients include those in the energy and technology sectors.”

Referees say:

Salman Raja is definitely one of the most well renowned and well respected lawyers. It’s a privilege to work with him and always a learning experience to even sit in his company.

His meticulous attention to detail ensures thoroughness in every aspect of his practice. His ability to articulate complex legal concepts is truly impressive.

Salman Raja has consistently been ranked as top dispute resolution lawyer in Pakistan. Earlier editions of Chambers & Partners recognised Salman Raja as “the best constitutional lawyer in Pakistan” (Chambers & Partners 2024), “a heavyweight in dispute resolution” and “a fantastic lawyer” who is “extremely articulate, persuasive and carries a lot of depth” (Chambers & Partners 2022), known for his “knowledge, experience and way of handling cases” in addition to his “meticulous and diligent preparation of cases” (Chambers & Partners 2021), and “a very big name in litigation” (Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific 2020).